KTC Compack

  • Extremely Compact & Portable
  • 10.2 CFM / 145 PSI
  • Rotary Screw Air Compressor
Regular price


Tank Size

The KTC Compack

Just one standard: excellence
COMPACK embodies the greatest KTC’s technological innovation.
KTC’S Research and Development Dept. oriented towards the greatest user-friendliness of a screw compressor fulfills this approach with COMPACK, thanks to a great number of customized applications and solutions.

The reason is that COMPACK has just one standard: excellence.
COMPACK as a matter of fact is a compact and extremely performing integrated system: all the advantages of an industrial compressor in just a small amount of space.

Integrated system
COMPACK is made up of a state-of-the-art pumping air-end, the most compact in the field, integrating the main components of a screw compressor (air-end, separator tank, thermostatic and minimum pressure valve, intake valve) and being groundbreaking in the choice of materials: a steel core in an aluminum case.

Compack 3

Potenza Motore
Motor Power
Pressione Max
Max. Pressure
Portata Aria
Air Flow-rate
L. Sonoro
Sound L.
Codice - Code Modello - Type Potenza motore - Motor power Serbatoio - Tank Pressione max - Max Pressure Portata aria - Air flow rate Livello sonoro - Sound Level Voltaggio - Voltage Attacco - Connection Dimensioni - Dimensions Peso - Weight
    kW hp Lt Gal Bar Psi ?/min C.F.M. dB[A]     L x D x H (cm) Kg Lbs
COMPACK 3 A terra / Grounded
180022001 COMPACK 3 3,5 4.7 V60 / / 10 145 360 12.7 69 400/50/3 3/8" Gas 55x43x62 45 99.2
COMPACK 3 Su serbatoio / On tank
180022020 COMPACK 3 / 90 3,5 4.7 V60 90  23,8 10  145  360 12.7 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 116x44x88  77 169.8
COMPACK 3 Trolley
151022004 COMPACK 3 Trolley 3,5 4.7 V60 1,85 10  145  360 12.7 69 400/50/3 3/8" Gas 74x62x70  71 156.5


COMPACK 4÷7 Trasmissione a cinghia / Belt Drive

Potenza Motore
Motor Power
Pressione Max
Max. Pressure
Portata Aria
Air Flow-rate
L. Sonoro
Sound L.
Codice - Code Modello - Type Potenza motore - Motor power Serbatoio - Tank Pressione max - Max Pressure Portata aria - Air flow rate Livello sonoro - Sound Level Voltaggio - Voltage Attacco - Connection Dimensioni - Dimensions Peso - Weight
    kW hp Lt Gal Bar Psi /min C.F.M. dB[A]     L x D x H (cm) Kg Lbs
COMPACK 4-7 A terra / Grounded
180031001 COMPACK 4 4 5.5 V60 / / 8 116 580 20.5 68 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 75x64x63 97 213.8
180032001 10 145 460 16.25
180033001 13 188 370 13.1
180041001 COMPACK 5 5,5 7.5 V60 / / 8 116 760 26.8 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 75x64x63 102 224.9
180042001 10 145 650 23
180043001 13 188 560 19.8
180051001 COMPACK 7 7,5 10 V60 / / 8 116 1050 37.1 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 93x64x63 116 255.7
180052001 10 145 900 31.8
180053001 13 188 750 26.5
COMPACK 4-7 A terra con essiccatore / On ground with dryer
180031002 COMPACK 4 E 4 5.5 V60 / / 8 116 580 20.5 68 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 112x64x63 124,5 274.5
180032002 10 145 460 16.25
180033002 13 188 370 13.1
180041002 COMPACK 5 E 5,5 7.5 V60 / / 8 116 760 26.8 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 112x64x63 129,5 285.5
180042002 10 145 650 23
180043002 13 188 560 19.8
180051002 COMPACK 7 E 7,5 10 V60 / / 8 116 1050 37.1 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 130x64x63 147,5 325.2
180052002 10 145 900 31.8
180053002 13 188 750 26.5
COMPACK 4-7 Su serbatoio / On tank
180031003 COMPACK 4/270 4 5.5 V60 270 71.33 8 116 580 20.5 68 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 156x64x120 177,5 391.3
180032003 10 145 460 16.25
180033003 13 188 370 13.1 188,5 415.6
180041003 COMPACK 5/270 5,5 7.5 V60 270 71.33 8 116 760 26.8 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 156x64x120 182,5 402.3
180042003 10 145 650 23
180043003 13 188 560 19.8 193,5 426.6
180051003 COMPACK 7/270 7,5 10 V60 270 71.33 8 116 1050 37.1 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 156x64x120 196,5 433.2
180052003 10 145 900 31.8
180053003 13 188 750 26.5
180051005 COMPACK 7/500 7,5 10 V60 500 132.09 8 116 1050 37.1 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 197x64x120 239.5 528
180052005 10 145 900 31.8
180053005 13 188 750 26.5
COMPACK 4-7 Su serbatoio con essiccatore / On tank with dryer
180031004 COMPACK 4/270E 4 5.5 V60 270 71.33 8 116 580 20.5 68 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 156x64x120 205 451.9
180032004 10 145 460 16.25
180033004 13 188 370 13.1 216 476.2
180041004 COMPACK 5/270E 5,5 7.5 V60 270 71.33 8 116 760 26.8 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 156x64x120 210 463
180042004 10 145 650 23
180043004 13 188 560 19.8
180051004 COMPACK 7/270E 7,5 10 V60 270 71.33 8 116 1050 37.1 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 156x64x120 228 502.7
180052004 10 145 900 31.8
180053004 13 188 750 26.5
180051006 COMPACK 7/500E 7,5 10 V60 500 132.09 8 116 1050 37.1 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 197x64x120 271 597.5
180052006 10 145 900 31.8
180053006 13 188 750 26.5


COMPACK 5÷7 VSD Velocità variabile con trasmissione a cinghia / Variable speed belt drive

Potenza Motore
Motor Power
Pressione Max
Max. Pressure
Portata Aria
Air Flow-rate
L. Sonoro
Sound L.
Codice - Code Modello - Type Potenza motore - Motor power Serbatoio - Tank Pressione max - Max Pressure Portata aria - Air flow rate Livello sonoro - Sound Level Voltaggio - Voltage Attacco - Connection Dimensioni - Dimensions Peso - Weight
    kW hp Lt Gal Bar Psi ℓ/min C.F.M. dB[A]     L x D x H (cm) Kg Lbs
COMPACK 5-7 INVERTER A terra / Grounded
183041001 COMPACK 5 VSD 5,5 7.5 V60 / / 8 116 780 27.5 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 75x64x63 110 242.5
183042001 10 145 680 24.0
183043001 13 188 590 20.8
183051001 COMPACK 7 VSD 7,5 10 V60 / / 8 116 1050 37.1 71 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 93x64x63 124 273.4
183052001 10 145 900 31.8
183053001 13 188 750 26.5
COMPACK 5-7 INVERTER A terra con essiccatore / On ground with dryer
183041002 COMPACK 5 VSD E 5,5 7.5 V60 / / 8 116 780 27.5 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 100x64x63 132,5 292.1
183042002 10 145 680 24.0
183043002 13 188 590 20.8
183051002 COMPACK 7 VSD E 7,5 10 V60 / / 8 116 1050 37.1 71 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 127x64x63 155,5 342.8
183052002 10 145 900 31.8
183053002 13 188 750 26.5
COMPACK 5-7 INVERTER Su serbatoio / On tank
183041003 COMPACK 5 VSD 270 5,5 7.5 V60 270 71.33 8 116 780 27.5 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 156x64x120 190,5 419.9
183042003 10 145 680 24.0
183043003 13 188 590 20.8 201,5 444.2
183051003 COMPACK 7 VSD 270 7,5 10 V60 270 71.33 8 116 1050 37.1 71 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 156x64x120 204,5 450.8
183052003 10 145 900 31.8
183053003 13 188 750 26.5 215,5 475.1
183051005 COMPACK 7 VSD 500 7,5 10 V60 500 132.09 8 116 1050 37.1 71 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 197x64x120 247,5 545.6
183052005 10 145 900 31.8
183053005 13 188 750 26.5 280,5 618.4
COMPACK 5-7 INVERTER Su serbatoio con essiccatore / On tank with dryer
183041004 COMPACK  5 VSD 270E 5,5 7.5 V60 270 71.33 8 116 780 27.5 69 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 156x64x120 213 469.5
183042004 10 145 680 24.0
183043004 13 188 590 20.8 224 493.8
183051004 COMPACK  7 VSD 270E 7,5 10 V60 270 71.33 8 116 1050 37.1 71 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 156x64x120 236 520.2
183052004 10 145 900 31.8
183053004 13 188 750 26.5 247 544.5
183051006 COMPACK  7 VSD 500E 7,5 10 V60 500 132.09 8 116 1050 37.1 71 400/50/3 1/2" Gas 197x64x120 279 615
183052006 10 145 900 31.8
183053006 13 188 750 26.5 312 687.8 

  • Product Specification

    • Capacity (CFM) @ 145 PSI
      10.2 CFM @ 145 PSI
  • Overview & Technical Details

    • Sound Level dBA
      65 dB(A)
  • Power Requirements

    • 208/230/1/60
    • Standard Voltages
  • Warranty

    • Standard Warranty
      Factory Warranty


standard features
  • 3 HP
  • 230/1/60
  • 10.2 CFM @ 145 PSI
  • 131 lbs
  • 65 dB(A)
  • Small, lightweight, portable
  • Greatest energy efficiency
  • Designed as a big compressor
  • Cooling circuit
  • Cooling circuit Best performance in just a small amount of space
  • Anti-condensation system
  • Low noise levels
  • Turnkey products with an aluminum case
  • Fast and economical maintenance
  • Electronic control board - ON/OFF system